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Fanfiction Terms

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Fanfiction Terms Empty Fanfiction Terms

Post  Admin Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:04 pm

For those who are lost to the official terms of fan fictions, this topic is here to save you!

A few of the terms have blank spaces after them. This means the term has an explicit meaning and I've hidden it from public view in case there are young people viewing this thread. In order to view the meaning, click on it.

General Terms:

!: Not. For example, Cute!Artemis means Not Cute Artemis.

/: Used to display pairings in the FanFic. For example, Edward/Bella.

Antific/Basher Fic: Any Fic used to kill off a character the author does not like. For example, having Bella commit suicide because Edward likes Angela better than her. Very Happy

Barbieshipper: Any author who creates the ?perfect relationship? and gets angry if anything threatens the romance. Generally bad.

Betareader (Beta): Someone who reads over your Fic to check for mistakes before you submit your work.

Canon: The ?official? source of material ? the original work that your FanFiction is based on. (In this case, Twilight). Canon characters would be characters from the Twilight series.


Fanon: Situations so common in fandom that they have become almost canon. Fanons are accepted by many FanFic writers although there is no reference to it in the canon source.

FCD: First Comment Dance. A dance done by the first person to comment on a story on our archives.

Ficlet: A story usually between 500 and 1000 word long - longer than a drabble, but shorter than a regular FanFic.

Filk: A FanFic in which you take a song and change the words so that they relate to Twilight.

Flames: Negative feedback, usually on purpose to attack the author. Flames are bad. Don't post them.

Fluff: FanFics devoid of angst or drama that usually take on a light, carefree romance. Meant to be cute and sweet.



Mary Sue/Gary Stu: An idealized version of the author - how the author currently is or wishes he/she was. In other words, a perfect character with no noticeable flaws (like Bella.) Mary Sues are looked down upon and should be avoided at all costs. A canon character can become a Mary Sue too if the author idealizes it too much. A common excuse is: "I'm basing her off someone else!?"

Original Character (OC): A non-canon character that the author of the fic created.

Out Of Character (OOC): When a character doesn't act like themselves - say, if Edward was in a relationship purely for physical matters he would be OOC, or if Bella was actually interesting for once she would be OOC.

Songfic: Fics in which the author incorporates lyrics from songs into their work to enhance the theme in the story.

Shipping: Supporting a relationship between two characters, usually canon. (For instance, if you support Jacob/Bella, you're a Jacob/Bella shipper.)

WIP: Work in Progress


Action/Adventure: FanFictions that focus mainly on the character(s) taking part in a suspenseful adventure, usually with fights and battles.

Alternate Universe (AU): A story that would make major changes on the canon story, such as killing off Artemis Fowl or Holly Short. These situations are so unlikely they are depicted as taking place in an alternate universe. (What would happen if this unlikely event happened?)

Angst: Dark, emotional Fics that refer to a character's suffering and misery. If used well, it can add extreme intensity to a story. Can be very addicting!

Crossover: FanFics in which characters from different canon sources are crossed over together. For example, Tom Riddle from Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl.

Drabble: Vignettes exactly 100 words long. 200-word long drabbles are known as Double Drabbles. Likewise, a 50-word drabble is called a Half-Drabble?

Het Romance:

Slash Romance:


K: Kids (G)
K+: Kids Plus (PG)
T: Teen (PG-13)
M: Mature ?
M+: Mature Plus (NC-17)

PLEASE TRY TO KEEP THE RATINGS OF ALL FICTIONS THAT YOU POST UNDER THE "M" RATING. If there are swearwords in your fanfiction, try to censor them, all right?

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-01-17
Age : 25

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